Are you suddenly at home with your kids and wondering what homeschoolers do all day? My Quick Start Guide covers how to transition to being at home in a gentle, mindful way. Of course, it was written for people who are voluntarily homeschooling, but in these days of corona virus we’ve all become homeschoolers to one degree or another.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if plenty of people become permanent homeschoolers after this, but only if they learn the joys and not just the frustrations of homeschooling. Being thrust unprepared into it doesn’t help! That’s where my book comes in handy.
What’s Included?
I promise, it’s a short book, but it’s still chock full of useful stuff! Deschooling is big, which is about getting out of the “school for eight hours a day” mindset. Did you know that many school districts are recommending an hour a day of homework, plus an hour of something educational online? That’s right, homeschoolers don’t sit around the table all day.
Homeschool Styles
There are lots of different styles, just like there are lots of different families. You may be following your district’s guidelines for education, but what about the rest of the time? Well, it all depend on you and what works for your family. What you do won’t be exactly the same as any other family.
Partner Together
Yep, partner with your kids. You’re all in this together, and you have to find something that works for the whole family. Help them figure out their learning styles, and let them know that this is a good time to pursue their favorite subjects and hobbies.
Go Outside
No really! You don’t have to get within breathing distance of other people, but don’t spend all day every day in the house. You’ll all go stir crazy. Walk around the block, play in the back yard if you have one, drive to a park. Sorry, no common playground equipment, though. Instead, walk in the woods. Breathe the fresh air and look at the sky. Talk about the trees and flowers. Guess what? You just did physical education and maybe even some biology, depending on how deep your conversation went. Welcome to homeschooling.
Where to buy my books:
The Homeschoolers Are Not Hermits Quick Start Guide
At the SEA Homeschoolers bookstore, my main book is currently 30% off with the discount code COMMUNITY here.
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What else? Mine this page for more information on Homeschool Styles, Project Based Learning, Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, and more!
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